What have we been doing? - Our Wider Curriculum

TTRS Rock Star Day

Old Park Rocked today. Congratulations to our TTRS speed demons and best dressed…

Autumn 1 Overview!

What happened in Autumn 1... Y3 Swim, Jeans for Jeans, Y6 targeted swim, Y1 parent workshops, Autumn term clubs, Young Voices rehearsal, Rock Steady, exploration day, Y5 local walk, We are Readers celebration week, Fred Frog Day, Mental Health Awareness day, Parent consultations, Show racism the Red Card, Y6 Criminal justice Museum, Y5 St Mary's Catholic Church visit, Halloween Disco, Diving taster day, Y4 HGV Career visit, Y5/6 football matches, Mixed football tournament, Food Bank Collections. What a busy 8 weeks and I'm sure we have forgotten something! Let's do it again in Autumn 2...

Chicken Wire Project - Monty Project

Children at Old Park enjoyed completing our chicken wire art project with Will Ashley-Norman from ‘Chicken-Wired’.

Clic Sargent

In today's assembly, we celebrated our incredible fundraising achievements from this year's Dance-a-Thon. Representatives from Clic Sargent came to join us, along with Rahul's family, who we dedicate our fundraising efforts to each year.
Thank you to everyone who took part and helped us to reach this incredible amount.
Can we make our total reach £30,000 next year? At Old Park, anything is possible!

Year 4 Football Tournament

A great achievement – 3rd place!

Guest Speaker - Marathon Athlete


An inspirational talk for our children was experienced, as we were visited by Manjinder who completed the London Marathon. He came to speak to our children about his experience. He spoke passionately about self belief and ambition. The children were captivated by him. Thank you Manjinder and congratulations on your achievement.

Year 5 Table Tennis Tournament - Wood Green Academy

Netball Tournament - Black Country Games

Old Park's Got Ambition.


Ambition holds significant importance in our values, and our children consistently demonstrate ambition across various aspects of the curriculum, both within and outside of school. Recently, we celebrated their long-term aspirations by showcasing their dream professions. Witnessing them all aiming so high was a delight. Marine biologists, art therapists, a jeweller, architects, emergency service workers, pilots, palaeontologists to name just a few.

Football and Aquatics Experiences

Rock Steady Music Share

Our Rock Steady musicians did an amazing job in their bands yesterday. They were rocking out to a live audience for the first time.?All 4 bands showcased impressive progression in their specific instrument and we were all very proud of their achievements.

Wood Green Academy Gym and Dance Show

Lots of Socks - Down's Syndrome Association

Year 5 Viking Experience Day

Netball Tournament

Clic Sargent Fundraiser - Update

We have celebrated our incredible fundraising achievements from this year’s Dance-a-Thon. Representatives from Clic Sargent came to join us, along with Rahul’s family, who we dedicate our fundraising efforts to each year.
Thank you to everyone who took part and helped us to reach this incredible amount.
Can we make our total reach £30,000 next year? At Old Park, anything is possible!

Football Tournament

Curriculum Competitions

Reading Competition

Old Park Book Swap


We have had an amazing response to our ‘Old Park Book Swap’.

We hope you have all enjoyed your new book choices.

Even the staff have been inspired by this great idea and have started their own book swap!

Arts Competition - Design Our New Logo

R.E. and Art Competition

Road Safety Competition

Following our assembly, led by Sandwell Council, here are the details of the road safety competition.

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