Remote & Home Learning

If accessing remote learning from home, please continue to do daily reading and use your Times Table Rockstar account to practise your Maths skills. 

If required, tasks will be set on Google Classroom, which can be accessed via your child’s Google login.

Google Classroom

At Old Park, we are committed to providing a remote learning experience that mirrors teaching in the classroom as closely as possible, allows for children to interact with their teachers and peers and is flexible enough to allow families to complete work when it suits them. If you have any difficulty accessing any of our remote learning resources, please contact the school office or email using We use Google Classroom to support with learning both inside and outside of school. All children in school will have been provided with a login to the service. Please ask your child’s teacher if you require this again. If your child is absent from school due to COVID then Google Classroom will be used to provide remote education. Your child’s class teacher will upload the work that the class has completed at the end of the each school day. If your child is well enough, we expect that this work to be completed and ‘handed in’ to the teacher so that it can be responded to. This will help to minimise the impact of absence on learnong. Your child’s class teacher will attach all the instructions, resources and links that you will need to each lesson. These will match lessons delivered in school as closely as possible. The guides and video below will support you in accessing and ‘handing in’ work.

List of useful links to use at home. Nuffield Health have also produced a Well-Being for children. 

The DfE website contains a list of resources that are currently free for parents to use at home. There are links for English (inc. Phonics), Maths, PE, Wellbeing and also for children with SEND needs. This list is updated by the government and offers something for all ages and abilities.  contains useful guides and links for parents to access during this time. – parents hub with guides for subject knowledge and lots of additional materials for a range of subjects. There is also a link to specific information on how to support your child during the school closures at the top of this page. – You will need to login to this resource with your login details for Times Table Rockstars. There are lots of online maths games and activities to complete. – Offering a free subscription during this period. – Bitesize contains lots of information and videos about a wide range of topics. It’s very useful for finding out more about a subject or topic. – White Rose is the maths scheme that we follow at school. The team is providing a series of online lessons complete with video guides for each year group to follow which will be updated regularly. They are also providing an online chat function daily from 10am-11am to answer any maths related questions that you might have. – A comprehensive list of websites that can be used to support your child’s learning at home with a brief description of what each one provides. Scroll to the bottom for links to websites about other non-learning activities that you could do during this difficult period. – Downloadable pack of additional activities linked to Maths, Writing and Reading for each year group. Also includes a parent guide and answers! – Joe Wicks has a number of workout videos for children on his YouTube channel and has also said that he will be adding daily PE lessons for children while schools are closed. – This site are offering free access for parents. – Audible have made a range of audiobooks for children free during the school closures. – Daily video maths lessons for each key stage during the school closures. A great way to top up your maths knowledge! – A YouTube channel full of interactive songs and dances. – A YouTube channel full of child friendly Yoga sessions. – Number Fun have created a YouTube channel full of videos to support your child’s maths learning at home. – Numberfun live! Daily maths activities and lessons posted to YouTube. There may even be some catchy songs! – lots of simple Science activities that you can do at home with everyday household items. – With fun activities, games and resources that help teach children about money at home. – Carol Voderman has made access to her Maths site free. – Free story every day at 11am on his website.

Online Safety and Support Links:  Free activities to support online safety awareness, to be updated fortnightly. Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Net-aware (support for parents and careers from the NSPCC)

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