Family Support

Hello everyone, I am Ms Eve  Taylor and I am the Family Support Officer At Old Park Primary we understand that many children and families experience difficult times which can make a happy, successful school and home life a struggle. If you have worries or concerns about your child, you can always talk to their class teacher and the Head Teacher as they know your child and can work with you to address any issues.  However, for whatever reason, you might not feel able to or there may be other problems which parents/carers need some help with.  One of the roles of a Family Liaison Officer is to work closely with children and families who may be experiencing difficulties, this could be as simple as a misunderstanding with friends or it could be a more complex issue such as bereavement or a change in family circumstance. It may be that the support is needed for a short while or it could be a longer process. At Old Park Primary School the emotional welfare of our pupils (and families!) is of the greatest importance and having a dedicated Family Liaison Officer enables these issues to be given the time and care needed to be sensitively and compassionately worked through together. We seek to break down the barriers to learning and help you to deal with challenges in a positive way so that all children can be successful and make good progress. I listen without judgement and appreciate parents/carers issues and offer suggestions and advice for individuals and families on behaviour management, boundaries, routines, school attendance, punctuality, healthy eating to name a few.

I can also refer and signpost to other services available within Sandwell to help you find solutions. I work with families who are going through difficult times including relationship breakdown, bereavement, mental well-being and financial hardship. In consultation with parents/carers we can put in place in school to work through issues your child(ren) may face such as anger management and control, key school transitions, development of pupil self-esteem and confidence, friendship issues, family issues: bereavement, new baby in the family, parent’s separation/divorce Would you like a friendly chat? Do you know where to go for any advice/support? Do you know what’s going in your area? Please contact me to make an appointment on 0121 526 2669 or email Here are a few support documents available for you to download

Family and Play Therapy – Now available

Christian Dixon, a trained therapist for drama and art therapy, is now part of our pastoral team.  Christian comes into school once a fortnight to offer family therapy, drama and play therapy to children and their families.  For more information, please pop in and speak to either Eve Taylor or Sam Pearce. Here are some useful contacts which are generally free of charge, please come and see me if you need support in accessing there services:

Sandwell All Age Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Directory April 2024

Please click on the link below for information around the services available that cover a range of Well-Being and Mental Health support from information to crisis support.

New to Reception Parent Workshops - School Nurse Team

Please see the leaflet below for details. 

Albion Foundation

Information: Specialist sporting activities for disabled children and young people Contact details: 0871 271 9840

Alcohol, drugs & gambling service

Information: Alcohol, drugs & gambling service Contact details: 0121 622 8181

Autism West Midlands

Information: Support for children with autism & Asperger’s syndrome Contact details: 0121 450 7582

Bullying Support

Information: Support for families affected by bullying Contact details: 0845 352 7552


Information: Offers support and advice for carers Contact details: 0121 558 7003

Citizens Advice Bureaux

Information: Free advice on legal issues, housing, benefits Contact details: 0121 500 2730


Information: Provides support for 13-19 year old Contact details: 0845 352 0055

Counselling Service

Information: For bereavement, life crisis, family issues, anger management Contact details: Self-referral – 0303 033 9903

Cruise Bereavement

Information: For support during a bereavement Contact details: 0121 544 4510


Information: Drug/alcohol counselling for young people Contact details: 0845 838 5317

Early Years’ Service

Information: Advice and free nursery places fir 2,3 & 4 year olds Contact details: 0121 569 4914

Education Benefits

Information: How to access free school meals, uniform and travel vouchers Contact details: Go to this website for more details 

Family Fund

Information: Provides grants to low income families for essential items Contact details: 08449 744 099

Family Information Service

Information: Provides guidance on all aspects of childcare Contact details: 0121 569 4914


Information: Provides Supported accommodation for young women/young parents Contact details: 0121 544 0919

Job Search

Contact details: Go to for more information

Loan Shark

Information: Support for illegal money lending Contact details: 0300 555 2222


Information: Provides support for child or young people at risk of exclusion Contact details: 0121 552 8216

Mental Health Line

Information: Provides emotional support for families experiencing mental health issues Contact details: 0800 132 561

My Time Health

Information: Programmes that promote healthy lifestyles Contact details:  0121 366 0966


Information: Works with offenders and those at risk of offending Contact details: 0121 552 9589


Information: Provides relationship counselling Contact details:  0121 643 1638

Sandwell Homes

Information: Provides support in light of domestic abuse, housing, safety and legal advice Contact details: 0121 553 0090

Sandwell Women’s Aid

Information: Provides support in light of domestic abuse, housing, safety and legal advice Contact details: 0121 553 0090

Sandwell Welfare Rights

Information: Advice on benefits Contact details: 0121 569 3158

Alternatively a search engine: can help you access a number of extra services

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